Position: PhD Student
E-mail: ulduz.afshar@boun.edu.tr
Phone: + 90 (212) 359 46 93
Degree: M.S. Bogazici Univeristy, Turkey
Joined: April 2012
Ulduz received her BSc in Cellular and Molecular Biology from University of Tehran, Iran in 2011. During her undergraduate studies, she did internships at various labs in Pasteur Institute, Avicenna Research Institute and Whole genome sequencing laboratory in Institute of Experimental Medicine,Istanbul. After she completed her undergraduate studies, she joined our lab and started studying the role of a TF in transcriptional regulation program and chromatin dynamics in melanomagenesis. Publications:
- Weilemann A , Grau M , Erdmann T, Merkel O, Sobhiafshar U, Anagnostopoulos I, Hummel M, Siegert A, Hayford C, Madle H, Wollert-Wulf B, Fichtner I , Dörken B, Dirnhofer S, Mathas S, Janz M, Emre NCT, Rosenwald A, Ott G, Lenz P, Tzankov A, Lenz G (2015) Essential role of IRF4 and MYC signaling for survival of anaplastic large cell lymphoma. Blood , 125 (1) 124-132 PMID: 25359993
- Praetorius C, Grill C, Stacey SN, Metcalf AM, Gorkin DU, Robinson KC, Van Otterloo E, Kim RSQ, Bergsteinsdottir K, Ogmundsdottir MH, Magnusdottir E, Mishra PJ, Davis SR, Guo T, Raza Zaidi M, Helgason AS, Sigurdsson MI, Melzer PS, Merlino G, Petit V, Larue L, Loftus SK, Adams DR, Sobhiafshar U, Emre NCT, Pavan WJ, Cornell R, Smith AG, McCallion AS, Fisher DE, Stefansson K, Sturm RA, Steingrímsson E. IRF4 affects human pigmentation by regulating expression of Tyrosinase through a MITF and TFAP2A-dependent pathway. Cell. 2013,155(5):1022-1033